(叶 黎 成 2004年6月 )
Art collectors have various criteria and purposes when they select their art collection. Artists also have various thoughts and aims when they create an art piece. These all carry subjective elements which are difficult for other people to give comments. However, we can still use some objective standards to talk about an art work.
When looking at the techniques of the paintbrush, the match of colors, the use of light, the selection of themes, the structure of composition and the individuality of style, Zhan Shan is a pioneer among contemporary Chinese realistic painters. He is also a leading figure in this area. When we see this type of paintings, we naturally think of Zhan Shan. A lot of painters have also been inspired by his style of painting.
Zhan Shan's paintings touch upon folk culture and folk feelings as well as the terrain, landforms and vegetation in the northern part of China. The Chinese art researcher Ke Wenhui has said, 'After some decades when people look back on the culture and way of living of the Chinese countryside of these few decades, Zhan Shan's paintings will be an important reference.'
Zhan Shan always believes that one needs to learn to be a good person in order to paint well. In the contemporary Chinese painting circles, Zhan Shan receives praises everywhere. Zhan Shan is an artist with talent and charisma. He is also a person with lofty ideal and high aspiration. The 'Hand in Hand Salon' he established in Beijing is a good representation of his spirit.
This album of paintings summaries Zhan Shan's creative works throughout the years. It also marks the beginning of a new stage.
Yip Lai Shing
June of 2004
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